a3r: Keyboard Shortcuts
NOTE: LCtrl and RCtrl mean the Left and Right Control keys.
Similary, LAlt, RAlt; LShift, RShift.
If a shortcut says LCtrl+X, it works only when you use the Left Ctrl key and X,
and doesn't work if you use the Right Ctrl key and X.
If a shortcut just says Ctrl+X, you can use the Left Ctrl key or the Right Ctrl key,
whichever you like (as long as your current Keyboard Layout has both Left Ctrl and Right Ctrl, which is usually true).
- A
- Play 0.5sec to Here
- Ctrl+A
- Select All
- Alt+A
- Audio Menu
- Shift+A
- Play 0.5sec to Start Time
- Alt+Shift+A
- Copy the path of the temporary .avs file (v0.1.1.4+)
- A (French Mode)
- Emulate Left Click
NOTE: French Mode = Options | Key Settings | Use Q Instead of A in Timing (For French Keyboard Users)
- B
- Minimize (Boss Key)
- Alt+B
- Step Back
- C
- Calculator
- Ctrl+C
Copy the screen image (left pane) to Clipboard.
Copy also the text to Clipboard if a selection is made in an editbox.
v0.1.1.11+: If there is no selection and if an SSA/ASS is loaded, the current Dialogue text is sent to Clipboard.
- Alt+C
- Month Calendar (v0.1.0.2+)
- Alt+Shift+C
- Change CRC32 of AVI
- D
- Play 0.5sec to End Time
- Ctrl+D
- Clear Selection
- Alt+D
- Play 0.5sec to Sel End
- Shift+D
- Play 0.5sec From End Time
- Ctrl+Alt+D
- Double Text (v0.1.1.4+)
- Ctrl+Shift+D
- Detect Sub-Overruns
- Ctrl+Shift+Alt+D
- Detect Sub-Overruns (All) (v0.1.1.8+):
{*a3r::SubOverrun=} directives are ignored, while {*a3r::EOF} is not ignored
if in the Load ASS Quickly mode. If you don't use any {*a3r::SubOverrun=} directives,
Ctrl+Shift+Alt+D and Ctrl+Shift+D work identically.
- Alt+Shift+D
- Play Around End Time
- E
- Epsilon (0.8+) sec From Here
- Ctrl+E
- Open Explorer to the folder where the currently-loaded script (SSA/ASS) exists, or,
if a script is not loaded, to the folder where the currently-loaded video (AVI) file exists. (v0.1.1.4+)
- Ctrl+Alt+E
- Reserved (v0.1.1.4+)
- Alt+E
- Edit Menu
- Shift+E
- Epsilon sec to Here
- F
- Play 0.5 sec
- Ctrl+F
- Font Viewer
- Alt+F
- File Menu
- Shift+F
- Ctrl+Shift+F
- Open .ttf/.otf/.ttc
- G
- Get the current SSA timestamp
- LAlt+G
- Make a Dialogue from the Selection (with the previous style)
- RAlt+G
- Make a Dialogue from the Selection (with the current style)
- Alt+Shift+G
- Grab the selection as a NullStyle Dialogue;
if no valid selection exists, make a one-frame Dialogue (v0.1.3.0+)
- Ctrl+G
- Go to
- Ctrl+Shift+G
- Keyboard Speed
- H
- Play 1 sec around here
- Ctrl+Alt+H
- Verify Hash (
- Alt+H
- Help Menu
- Shift+H
- Play 2 sec around here
- LCtrl+H
- Play 1 sec to here
- LCtrl+Shift+H
- Play 2 sec to here
- RCtrl+H
- Play 1 sec from here
- RCtrl+Shift+H
- Play 2 sec from here
- I
- File Info
- Ctrl+I
- Save as ASCII Text File
- Ctrl+Alt+I (Not Supported Yet)
- Unicode File to ASCII (Not Supported Yet)
- Alt+I
- Video Menu
- Alt+Shift+I
- Open .info file (v0.1.1.4+)
- Shift+I
- Interpolate (v0.1.3.0+)
- J
- Split
- Alt+J
- Split2 (v0.1.2.0)
- LCtrl+J
- Join the previous Dialogue and the next Dialogue (v0.1.1.6+)
The two shortcuts, LCtrl+J and RCtrl+J, were swapped in v0.1.1.6. In v0.1.1.5 and before, the meaning was reversed.
- RCtrl+J
- Join the current Dialogue and the next Dialogue (v0.1.1.6+)
- Ctrl+Alt+J
- JUNK Viewer
- Ctrl+Alt+Shift+J
- Divide a Dialogue into 1-Framers (v0.1.2.3+)
- Shift+J
- Justification Helper (v0.1.1.11+)
- Ctrl+Shift+J in v0.1.1.x and v0.1.2.x.
- K
- Open Karaoke
- Alt+K
- Go to Sel Start
Same as [
For compatibility with Sub Station Alpha "See&k".
(May not be supported in future releases.) This short cut was re-assigned to "Copy Marked Comment".
For example, if the current Dialogue is commented as {**This is a comment.}
the text "**This is a comment." will be sent to Clipboard.
- Shift+K
- XKara
- Ctrl+K
Next marked (v0.1.1.6+).
This is like Sub Station Alpha's "Next marked event".
a3r considers a Dialogue "marked"
if the Text contains
—for example {**}
or {**This is a comment.}
- Ctrl+Shift+K
Prev marked (v0.1.1.6+).
- Ctrl+Alt+K
Keyboard Layout Viewer.
The shortcut was Ctrl+Shift+K in v0.1.1.5 and before.
- Alt+Shift+K
- Kerning This menu item was removed. Use
Kerning (Ctrl+K) in the Font Viewer (Ctrl+F) instead.
- L
- Load AVI/Image
- Ctrl+L
- Load Sub
- Shift+L
- KaraList
- Ctrl+Shift+L
- Close AVI/Image
- Ctrl+Alt+Shift+L
- Copy File Line Number
- Ctrl+M
- Mute
- Ctrl+Alt+M
- Map AVI
- Ctrl+Alt+Shift+M
- Open (v0.1.1.2+)
- Alt+M
- Timing Menu
- Alt+Shift+M
- Open (v0.1.1.2+)
- Shift+M
- Multistate Karaoke
- Ctrl+Alt+N
- Unused (EmEditor: Menu)
- Alt+N
- Navigate Menu
- Shift+N
- Fancy Note
- O
- Load Sub
- Ctrl+O
- Load Sub, Auto-Reload on Change
- Alt+O
- Options Menu
- Shift+O
- Color Gradients
- Ctrl+Shift+O
- Close Sub
- Alt+P
- Play
For compatibility with: Sub Station Alpha '&Play'. May not be supported in future releases. This short cut is no more supported.
- Shift+P
- Striped Colors
- Ctrl+Shift+P
- Pick Fonts
- Alt+Shift+P
- Pad AVI
- Q
- Emulate Left Click
- Q (French Mode)
- Play 0.5sec To Here
NOTE: French Mode = Options | Key Settings | Use Q Instead of A in Timing (For French Keyboard Users)
- Shift+Q (French Mode)
- Play 0.5sec To Start Time
- R
- Review Current Dialogue
- Ctrl+R
- Reload
- Alt+R
- Play Current Dialogue
- Ctrl+Alt+Shift+R
- List Collisions (
- Ctrl+Shift+R
- List Overlapped Dialogues
Available in v0.1.1.0+
- S
- Start/Stop
- Ctrl+S
- Shift Time
- Alt+S
- Play Selection
- Ctrl+Alt+S
- Play/Loop Selection
Available in v0.1.1.3+
- Shift+S
- Play 0.5sec From Start Time
- Ctrl+Shift+S
- Detect Space Problems
- Alt+Shift+S
- Around Start Time
- T
- Timer
- Ctrl+T
- Reserved
- Ctrl+Alt+T
- Touch
- Alt+T
- Tools Menu
- Shift+T
- Token to Line
- Ctrl+Shift+T
- Check Ligatures
- Ctrl+U
- Save As
- Ctrl+Alt+U
- ASCII File to Unicode
- V
- Preview Prev Dialogue
- Ctrl+V
- Paste
- Alt+V
- Play Prev Dialogue
- Ctrl+Alt+Shift+V
- Verify Fonts & Validate (v0.1.1.12+)
- Ctrl+Shift+V
- Verify Fonts
- W
- Load Audio
- Ctrl+W
- Close AVI/Image
Same as Ctrl+Shift+L, à la VD/Firefox.
- Ctrl+Shift+W
- Close All (i.e. Exit)
à la Firefox "Close Window".
Available in v0.1.1.0+
- Alt+W
- View Menu
- X
- Preview Next Dialogue
- Alt+X
- Play Next Dialogue
- Ctrl+Alt+X
- Unused (EmEditor: Grab)
- Ctrl+Y
- Redo for Drawing/Clipping (v0.1.3.0+)
- Shift+Y
- Tokenize
- Ctrl+Shift+Y
- De-Overlap (Save ASS as a new ASS file where overlapped Dialogues are de-overlapped)
Available in v0.1.1.0+
- Alt+Shift+Y
- Audio Delay From DGIndex Log
- Ctrl+Z
- Undo
- 0
- 1st Frame of the Dialogue (Same as Num0)
- Alt+0
- Zoom 25%
- Shift+0
- Copy t-value for the Start Time
- Ctrl+Alt+Shift+0
- Click to get color
- 1
- Save Left Pane
- Ctrl+1
- Copy Left Pane
- Alt+1
- Zoom 50%
- Shift+1
- Copy the current t-value
- Ctrl+Alt+Shift+1
- Click to get pos
- 2
- Save Right Pane
- Ctrl+2
- Copy Right Pane
- Alt+2
- Zoom 100%
- Shift+2
- Copy the t value for the next frame
- Ctrl+Alt+Shift+2
- The Dot (Misa²) mouse mode (Private)
- 3
- Copy Frame Number Ex (Private)
- Ctrl+3
- Get CRC32
- Alt+3
- Zoom 200%
- Shift+3
- Copy the current Dialogue in chat format (Unicode)
- Ctrl+Alt+Shift+3
- Click to clip
- 4
- Copy the current Dialogue in ASCII chat format (v0.1.1.12+)
- Ctrl+4
- Hash (
- Alt+4
- Reset the size and position of the main window
- Shift+4
- Grad4v2
- Ctrl+Alt+Shift+4
- Click for drawing
- Ctrl+5
- Get MD5 (
- Ctrl+Alt+Shift+5–9
- Reserved for new click modes
- 8
- To the last frame of the current Dialogue (Same as Num.)
- Ctrl+8
- To the last frame of the previous Dialogue (Same as Ctrl+Num.)
- Shift+8
- Copy t-value for the last frame of the Dialogue
- Shift+9
- Copy t-value for the end frame of the Dialogue
- Alt+Shift+0–9,`,~
- Ctrl+Shift+0–9,`,~
- Reserved for KLs
- Ctrl+Alt+0–9
- Reserved (perhaps for something rare or unimportant)
Numpad Keys
- Num+
- 1 min forward
- Ctrl+Num+
- 1 sec forward
- Alt+Num+
- 10 min forward
- Shift+Num+
- 30 sec forward
- Ctrl+Shift+Num+
- 0.5 sec forward
- Num-
- 1 min backward
- Ctrl+Num-
- 1 sec backward
- Alt+Num-
- 10 min backward
- Shift+Num-
- 30 sec backward
- Ctrl+Shift+Num-
- 0.5 sec backward
- Num.
- Go the the last frame of the Dialogue
- Ctrl+Num.
- Go to the last frame of the previous Dialogue
- Alt+Num.
- Play around the End Time
- Num/
- Go to...
- Num*
- Jump to frame 1920
- Ctrl+Num*
Jump to the frame 2158, 2159, or 2638,
first one of which that is a keyframe; if neither is a keyframe, jump to 2639.
- Num0
- To the first frame of the Dialogue
- Alt+Num0
- Play around the Start Time
- Num1
- To the end frame of the Dialogue
- Num3
- Current time as SSA time stamp
- Num7
- Go to Selection Start (Same as [NOTE1)
- Ctrl+Num7
- Copy Selection Start Time (Same as Ctrl+[NOTE1)
- Ctrl+Num8
- Copy Selection Start/End Time (Same as Ctrl+\NOTE1)
- Num9
- Go to Selection End (Same as ]NOTE1)
- Ctrl+Num9
- Copy Selection End Time (Same as Ctrl+]NOTE1)
- Ctrl+Alt+Num1
- Play +0.1 sec
- Ctrl+Alt+Num2
- Play +0.2 sec
- Ctrl+Alt+Num3
- Play +0.3 sec
- Ctrl+Alt+Num4
- Play +0.4 sec
- Ctrl+Alt+Num6
- Play -0.4 sec
- Ctrl+Alt+Num7
- Play -0.3 sec
- Ctrl+Alt+Num8
- Play -0.2 sec
- Ctrl+Alt+Num9
- Play -0.1 sec
- Ctrl+Shift+Num0
- Click-mode=Color-picker (v0.1.3.0+)
- Ctrl+Shift+Num1
- Click-mode=Position (v0.1.3.0+)
- Ctrl+Shift+Num2
- Click-mode=Dot (v0.1.3.0+)
- Ctrl+Shift+Num3
- Click-mode=Clip (v0.1.3.0+)
- Ctrl+Shift+Num4
- Click-mode=Drawing (v0.1.3.0+)
- Shift+Num0
- EmEditor: Edit this Dialogue
- Shift+Num1
- EmEditor: Edit this Start Time
- Shift+Num2
- EmEditor: Edit this End Time
- Shift+Num3
- EmEditor: Edit next Start Time (v0.1.1.8+)
- Shift+Num4
- EmEditor: Edit prev Start Time
- Shift+Num5
- EmEditor: Edit prev End Time
- Shift+Num6
- EmEditor: Edit next End Time (v0.1.1.8+)
- Shift+Num7
- EmEditor: Edit this Text (Go to the beginning)
- Shift+Num8
- EmEditor: Edit this Text (Go to the middle)
- Shift+Num9
- EmEditor: Edit this Text (Go to the end)
- F1
- Help
- Ctrl+F1
- Online Help
- Alt+Shift+F1
- Make a "time diff" patch (.a3td) (v0.1.1.2+)
- Alt+F2
- Save the snapshot of ASS
- Alt+Shift+F2
- Apply a "time diff" patch (.a3td) to the currently-loaded ASS
Available in v0.1.1.2+
- RShift+F2
Save the gzip-compressed snapshot of ASS. (v0.1.1.7+)
- F3
- Copy the SSA timestamp for the current frame
- Ctrl+F3
- Copy the current frame number
- Alt+F3
- Copy the current frame time
- Shift+F3
- Copy the current timestamp as mm:ss
- Ctrl+Shift+F3
- Copy the current timestamp for OGM chapter file
- F4
- Special Characters
- Alt+F4
- Close (Windows system command)
In the main window, a dialogbox will appear and ask you if you really want to quit.
If you don't like to be asked that, use [Esc] instead of [Alt]+[F4].
[Esc] will close the window immediately, if it is not previewing.
- F5
- Reload
- Ctrl+F5
- Enable/Disable Auto-Reload-on-Change (v0.1.1.4+)
- Alt+F5
- Enable/Disable the Quick-Load mode (v0.1.1.6+)
- Shift+F5
- In Month Calendar Memo: Insert the current date/time as text (v0.1.1.2+)
- Ctrl+F7
- Scan
- Ctrl+Shift+F7
- Scan All
- F8
- Enable/Disable the Compact mode
- Ctrl+F8
- Snap to another instance of a3r
- F9
- View the Input (Left Pane) Image
- Shift+F9
- View Drawing
- F10
- Default: View the Output (Right Pane) Image (Compatible with VD)
Else: Focus to the menu bar (Windows defaualt)
Configurable through: Options - Key Settings
- Ctrl+F10
- Default: Focus to the menu bar
Else: View the Output (Right Pane) Image
Configurable through: Options - Key Settings
- RAlt+F10
Compact Fonts for softsub MKV Attachments. (v0.1.1.7+)
- Shift+F10
- File info
Same as [I] for now, à la MPC.
Other Keys
- [NOTE1
- Go to Selection Start (Same as Num7)
- Ctrl+[NOTE1
- Copy Selection Start Time (Same as Ctrl+Num7)
- Shift+[NOTE1
- Go to the frame marked as "[" (v0.1.1.2+)
- Ctrl+\NOTE1
- Copy Selection Start/End Time (Same as Ctrl+Num8)
- Alt+Shift+\NOTE1
- Copy 1-frame Start/End Time (v0.1.3.0+)
- ]NOTE1
- Go to Selection End (Same as Num9)
- Ctrl+]NOTE1
- Copy Selection End Time (Same as Ctrl+Num9)
- Shift+]NOTE1
- Go to the frame marked as "]" (v0.1.1.2+)
- Shift+/NOTE1
- Open the about box
- Rewind.
Go to the first frame. If currently the video is previewing, first it is stopped.
Otherwise, this shortcut works same as Ctrl+Left.
- Alt+Enter
- Edit the Dialogue
- Alt+Shift+Enter
- Edit the previous Dialogue
- Ctrl+Space
- x-forward
- Shift+Space
- x-backward
- Enter
- Preview
- Space
- Preview
- Escape
- Exit (if not previewing)
- Pause (if previewing)
- Pause (Break)
- Emulate Right Click (in the X/Y click mode)
Available in v0.1.0.3+
- Home
- Sel Start
- Shift+Home
- Mark the current frame number as "[" (v0.1.1.2+)
- End
- Sel End
- Shift+End
- Mark the current frame number as "]" (v0.1.1.2+)
- Ctrl+Home
- To the 1st Dialogue
- Delete
- Move focus
- BackSpace
- Time the previous keyframe
- Shift+BackSpace
- Time the next keyframe
- Shift+Delete
- Refresh the main editbox
- Ctrl+End
- Last Dialogue
LCtrl+<, LCtrl+>,
Shift+LCtrl+<, Shift+LCtrl+>NOTE3
Get the SSA time stamp for the frame PE+n
and copy it to Clipboard.
PE is the end frame for the previous Dialogue.
n is -1, -2, +1, +2 respectively. (v0.1.1.7+)
LAlt+<, LAlt+>,
Shift+LAlt+<, Shift+LAlt+>NOTE3
Get the SSA time stamp for the frame CS+n
and copy it to Clipboard.
CS is the start frame for the current Dialogue.
n is -1, -2, +1, +2 respectively. (v0.1.1.7+)
LAlt+<, LAlt+>,
Shift+LAlt+<, Shift+LAlt+>NOTE3
Get the SSA time stamp for the frame CE+n
and copy it to Clipboard.
CE is the end frame for the current Dialogue.
n is -1, -2, +1, +2 respectively. (v0.1.1.7+)
NOTE1: What we call the keys "[", "]", "\", and "?" are OEM keys,
and the key names (characters assigned to those keys) are the ones in the US keyboard layout (KL).
Those key names may be different in another KL.
For example, what we call the "[" key and "]" key are the "ü" key and "+' key, respectively, in the German KL.
In other words, the "[" key does not mean the key for "[" in your KL: it's the key for "[" in the US KL, or, in a different KL, the key at the same physical place.
The correct key names for them in the current KL are shown in the menu,
for example, under Navigate | Video by Frames.
NOTE2: What we call the "." key is VK_PERIOD.
This is a period key in many KL, or, simply the key you use to type ".".
The physical position of the key may be different according to your KL.
Unlike "[" or "]", it does not mean
what would be the "." key in the US KL.
This is for compatibility with MPC.
NOTE3: What we call the "<" key
and the ">" key are VK_OEM_COMMA and VK_OEM_PERIOD,
and they actually mean "," and "." on many keyboard layouts (US/German/Spanish/Italian/Finnish etc.);
or, on the French keyboard layout, they mean ";" and ":".
Those two keys are for "<" and ">" if shifted on the US keyboard layout, and easy to remember if you see < as time-shifting toward the minus direction,
> as time-shifting toward the plus direction;
it is not that you always have to use the [Shift] key for those shortcuts.